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Young Ecosocialist Caucus hosts 2023 elections after tumultuous 2022

Cassiday Moriarity February 12, 2023

A Green Movement For Proportional Representation In 2023

Garret Wassermann December 2, 2022

Zarah Livingston, Candidate for Pennsylvania House, on Her Experiences Campaigning and Her Expectations for the Green Party

Jack Lucas November 27, 2022

#RepealTopTwo – Green US House candidate Michael Kerr becomes only fifth California Green to make it onto the November ballot since top two elections were put in place in 2012

Mike Feinstein August 8, 2022

Matthew Hoh for Senate Blasts NC Board of Elections’ Corrupt Decision to Deny Green Party Ballot Petition

Cassiday Moriarity June 30, 2022

Matthew Hoh, Green For US Senate, Slams Democratic Party’s Massive Voter Intimidation Campaign To Sabotage NC Green Party Ballot Drive

Cassiday Moriarity June 30, 2022


As always, read, comment, and distribute.

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Highlights Summer 2019

The Real Green New Deal

Bruce Dixon

More Democratic Choices Coming To The Us

Greens Gain Nearly 70 Seats In
European Parliament

Greens Spring Forward In 2019 Elections

Schwartzman’s Green agenda pays dividends for the economy and environment

Green Pages HIGHLIGHTS is produced quarterly and is available for free download here, in color or black and white, for use by local and state parties in their tabling and outreach work. 

Download 4 page color pdf

Download 4 page b&w pdf

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Volume 14, No 2 Summer 2011

Metastasizing xenophobia
U.S. Greens work to stem anti-immigrant tide
by Randall Amster

Elizabeth May and the Canadian Greens Make History
by Camille Labchuk, Green Party of Canada Federal Councillor and former Press Secretary to Elizabeth May and Jordy Gold, Elizabeth May Deputy Campaign Manager

Global Greens Congress 2012

Greens are winning more federal and state winner-take-all elections worldwide
by Mike Feinstein, Green Party of California

German Greens flying high as nuke era ends
by Phil Hill, Bündnis ‘90/Die Grünen (German Green Party)

Eastern Greens say “No Fracking Way”
Efforts to ban hydraulic fracturing methods heat up
by Deyva Arthur, Green Party of New York State

How I went about winning a campaign
Anita Stewart runs a successful low budget campaign in Florida
by Anita Stewart, The Green Party of Florida

Cynthia Santiago for California State Assembly
Draws votes for first time campaign
by David MCorquodale, Green Party of Delaware

State Parties increase, more Greens run for office
by David McCorquodale, Green Party of Delaware

2012 platform process has begun

Latina/o (Somos Verdes) Caucus seeks accreditation

Brent McMillan – His part in shaping the Green Party in this country

Seven years in the hot seat
My reflections as Political Director for the Green Party of the United States
by Brent McMillan

Campaign reflections from Green Candidate Linda Piera-Ávila

Green Senate candidate runs historic campaign
Despite obstacles Tom Clements gains votes in South Carolina
by Scott West

Running for the very first time
Massachusetts candidate describes his run for state representative
by Mark Miller

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Summer 2009


Tamez Stronghold
Indigenous response to the U. S. Border Wall
by Wendy Kenin, California Green Party

The dangers of the Connecticut campaign finance law
State Greens sue to pull down law prohibitive to minor parties
by Mike DeRosa, co-chair of the Green Party of Connecticut

Greens mourn a founding member
Guy Chichester of New Hampshire dies

This yearís gathering to be cost-effective and fun
2009 Annual National Meeting to be held in Durham, NC
by Jan Martell, North Carolina Green Party

The first 100 days under a Green Party administration
by John Rensenbrink, Maine Green Independent Party

The First 100 Days

Hunger strike for strong climate legislation continues
by SKCM-Curry, Green Party of California



New York City leads a vibrant campaign
Billy Talen attracting attention in his bid for Mayor
by Gloria Mattera, Green Party of New York State

A Green Party Mayor of New York City? Elect-a-lujah!
Reverend Billy’s Fight Song with sing-a-long video

Ross Mirkarimi first Green appointed to California Coastal Commission
by Mike Feinstein, Green Party of California

Snyder Appointed to Golden Gate Board

Landslide wins in Wisconsin
Green candidates win 7 of 12 seats in Spring 2009
by Ron Hardy, Green Party of Wisconsin and editor of GreenPartyWatch.org

The ìGreen Guyî runs for office in Massachusetts
by L. Scott Laugenour, Green-Rainbow Party

Michael Canney campaigns for Alachua City Commission

Searching out the mole
Greens commence a lawsuit in pursuit of the Florida Five
by Barbara Rodgers-Hendricks, Green Party of Florida



A step-by-step guide to achieving ballot status
Arizona tells how they got it done
by Claudia Ellquist, Co-chair of the Arizona Green Party



Historic Green win to Lower House of Western Australia State Parliament
by Stephen Luntz, Australian Greens Victoria Elections Analyst
and †Mike Feinstein, International Committee of the Green Party of the United States

First African Green University held in Morocco
by Mike Feinstein, International Committee of the Green Party of the United States

The Rabat Declaration
Approved by Consensus by the regional Green representatives from seven countries at the African Green University,
March 27th, 2009

German Greens gear up for September vote
Report from the Berlin Congress
by Phil Hill, German Greens

Meeting the Hidden People
My trip to the United States
by Liaquat Ali, co-spokesperson, Pakistan Green Party

Longest-serving Green leader in Canada to step down
by Mike Feinstein, International Committee of the Green Party of the United States

ìThink Big, Vote Greenî
Greens Elected in Record Numbers to European Parliament
by Mike Feinstein, member International Committee of the Green Party of the United States



A belief in hope, but a commitment to vigilance
Looking harder than skin-deep at Obama
by Anita Rios, Co-convener of the Green Party of Ohio

Why Keynesian stimulus packages will not work
by Titus North, Pennsylvania Green Party

A new path for the Green Party
by Carl Archambeau, Sr., Michigan Green Party


Young Greens

A plan for improving education
Bringing it home with tax cuts for test scores
by Lewis Pollis and Terrence Banks, Green Party of Ohio



State Reports

Getting to know the Green Party platform
Economic sustainability, banking and insurance reform



The 21st Century Environmental Revolution:
A Comprehensive Strategy for Conservation, Global Warming and the Environment by Mark C. Henderson
a book review by David McCorquodale, Green Party of Delaware

Millions of little things saving us
Quoted from Pete Seeger on Democracy Now

a poem by Chris Brandt

The color of Green
An Interview with Tony Affigne, Green Party of Rhode Island

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Winter 2009


Giving Bush the Boot!

Protesters hurl shoes on the Presidents last day

When natural gas drilling comes to your town
New York Greens hold forum to educate about new drilling methods

The Fight for Self-Government in Topsham
Greens in Maine keep Town Meeting going

McKinney speaks out for Gaza at massive rally
An excerpt from the Green presidential candidateís speech

Auto caravan voices grievances of union autoworkers
In December, an auto caravan traveled from Detroit to the White House to speak out for declining conditions for union autoworkers.

In memory of a prominent man in political history
The life of California Green, Peter Camejo

Spotlight on a founding member
Greg Gerritt reflects on his life as a Green and his new direction


Highlights from all U.S. Green Fall 2008 election results

Malik Rahim

Vigorous Green growth in Arkansas
Green candidates make records while Republicans refuse to oppose ìblue-dogî Democrats

Green Party of Arkansas Election Highlights

Lessons from the success of the Illinois Green Party
It takes focus and hard work to build a party

Highlights of Illinois Green Party November 2008 election

Greens in Maine make strides on Election Day
Many candidates garner more than 25 percent of the vote

Five mystery candidates in Florida – Part II
Suspicious Greens show need for Instant Runoff Voting

Pennsylvania Ballot Access Coalition
Green leads ballot access effort in Pennsylvania


Greens win highest percentage ever in a German state election

In memory of Arne Naess, founder of Deep Ecology

Green Party of Canada reaches new heights in 2008 Federal Election

Presentations on U.S. elections to the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly


Main Street Must Become Green Street Too!

Divestment in Israel campaign

Statehood a viable idea for Puerto Rico?

Es la estadidad viable para Puerto Rico?

Now that heís won . . .

Letter to the Editor
ìI feel like I speak from a very ìGreenî perspective for lack of another way to put it. This is why I feel on good grounds to offer a little criticism and concern on my part for the U.S. Green Party.î

Young Greens

A voice left out
Reflections on an Obama election


State Reports

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1 Comment

  1. Deborah Bowen October 25, 2021



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