Nationwide protests calling for an end to the wars in mid-October
Green Party leaders, activists, and members across the U.S. plan to participate in mass rallies, marches, coordinated local and regional demonstrations, and other forms of protest to take place on and around Saturday, October 17 calling for the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq and Afghanistan.
The National Assembly to End the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars is coordinating the nationwide protests. October 2009 marks the eighth year of the U.S. war in Afghanistan and seven years since Congress passed a resolution authorizing an invasion of Iraq.
“The Green Party opposed and protested the war from the beginning. The election of Barack Obama in 2008 brought no real change – America is still waging war against Afghanistan and Iraq, with attacks on Pakistan and threats to attack Iran,” said Rosa Clemente, the Green Party’s 2008 nominee for Vice President, Hip Hop activist, journalist, and community organizer.

Rosa Clemente | photo by David Doonan