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McKinney & Clemente: Black, Brown, Green and True


McKinney & Clemente: Black, Brown, Green and True

by BAR executive editor Glen Ford, Black Agenda Report


Quotes from the article:

“A vote for the Green Party is a vote for the movement that will turn this country right-side up again.”

“The overarching necessity for Black America – and therefore, for the entire nation – is the rebirth of a Black-led mass movement for peace and fundamental social change.”

“The overarching necessity for Black America – and therefore, for the entire nation – is the rebirth of a Black-led mass movement for peace and fundamental social change.”

“The racket is about war crimes, torture, crimes against the peace; the racket is about crimes against the Constitution, crimes against the American people, and crimes against the global community.”

“National Black politics has effectively disintegrated, stripped of all issues other than Obama’s own fortunes.”

“Those who delivered us into this mess cannot be trusted to get us out of it.”

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