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2012 platform process has begun


The Platform Committee has opened its 2012 cycle to update and amend the 2010 Platform and invites all Green State Parties and Caucuses to submit amendments beginning June 1, 2011. All proposed amendments to the 2010 Platform must be received no later than January 1, 2012.

All Platform amendments must be approved and submitted by state parties and caucuses through an inclusive process of democratic discussion, delib­eration and debate. Parties and caucuses are asked to facilitate this process and to appoint a liaison to the GPUS Platform Committee. The Committee can assist parties and caucuses in creating a process for such deliberation.

The general outline of the amendment process is: Platform Committee an­nounces opening of the 2012 amendment cycle to the National Committee (NC); GPUS-NC delegates notify state parties and caucuses; Parties and caucuses inform their membership down to the grassroots level of the submission process; Proposals from membership are received, discussed and revised by state and caucus platform committees; Proposals are approved by the grassroots membership of state parties and caucuses; Proposals are submitted to GPUS Platform Committee which will compile, edit and organize changes to the Platform; Proposals are submitted to the appropriate body of GPUS for approval; Proposals integrated into new 2012 Platform.

The Platform Committee has created a template for amendment proposals specifying the information that must be included. Contact the Committee, platformamendments@gp.org, for guidelines. Any proposed amendment that does not follow the required formatting will be returned to its author(s) for correction and will receive no further attention from the Committee until corrections are made.

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