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News Press Release

Young Ecosocialist Caucus has chosen Global Young Greens Delegation to South Korea 2023



March 14, 2023

Contact: Aléjandro Ortega-Morales (they/them), Cassiday Moriarity, (she/her);  gpusyouth@gmail.com

The Young Ecosocialists, the youth organizing caucus of the Green Party of the United States, is pleased to announce our delegation to the Global Young Greens conference. The Global Young Greens is a phenomenal organization dedicated to connecting young people to make positive environmental change across the world and their respective countries. The Global Young Greens align with the Young  Ecosocialists as they help empower young people from across the globe to make radical environmental and social change, just like the Young Ecosocialists. These individuals have pledged their time to reach out and collaborate with fellow greens all across the world to create an environmentally conscious tomorrow.

We are pleased to introduce our delegates who will represent Young Ecosocialists proudly:

Green Party Pennsylvania Co-Chair: Jay Walker (he/him, PA)

YES Delegate: Austin Bashore (he/him, OH)

YES Delegate: Matthew Skolar (he/him, NJ)

Cassiday Moriarity

Graduate of Indiana University Bloomington in 2020, she nows volunteers in her free time for various committees for the Green Party at the Local, State, and National level.

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