The Association of State Green Parties (ASGP) is a national organization of Green Parties from across the United States. Currently, Green Parties in the following 15 states have affiliated with the ASGP: Arizona, Arkansas, District of Columbia, Colorado, Connecticut, Maine, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio, Oregon, Rhode Island, Tennesee, Utah, Virginia, Wyoming. Several other states are considering affiliation and are expected to join in the next several months.
The initial by-laws of the ASGP were adopted on November 17, 1996, at a meeting in Middleburg, Virginia that was called to form the ASGP. At this meeting, 11 state Green Parties publicly stated their intention to be a part of the ASGP. The initial by-laws are:
Article I. Purpose
The purpose of the Association of State Green Parties is to:
1. Assist in the development of State Green Parties;
2. Create a legally structured national Green Party.
Article II. Membership
The Association of State Green Parties if made up of state Green Parties choosing to join the Association. State Parties must send a written resolution stating that they are joining the Association and that they accept the Associationís organizational documents. State Parties are encouraged to send suggestd modifications to these by-laws. Each member State Green Party will initially have two representatives on the Coordinating Body of the Associatin , with the understanding that the represetation formula may change in the future. Meetings of the Association may also be attended by Greens who are no representatives from their State Party.
Article III. Committees, Officers
The Association may form committees to further its work. The Committees shal report to the Gernal Body/Coordintin Body of the Association (The General Body shall be named at a later date). The Asociation shall elect a Treasurer and a Secreatry. The Association may elect other officers and form a Steering Committee to carry on work between gernal meetings.
Rules may be adopted of mofified by a 60% vote of the appropriate body.
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