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Found Elsewhere Obituaries

Remembering a ëDangerous Man,í Peter Miguel Camejo 1939-2008


Remembering a ëDangerous Man,í Peter Miguel Camejo 1939-2008

Posted in the Berkley Daily Planet

By Sharon Peterson
Wednesday November 26, 2008

Peter Camejo was perhaps best known for his runs for president on the Socialist Workers Party, Green Party and independent tickets, and for Governor of California on the Green Party ticket. In the 2003 gubernatorial recall election campaign, Camejoís incisive remarks during the debates received national attention and brought higher measures of visibility and respectability to progressive thought.

He was a friend of Malcolm X, and he marched in Selma with the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. He was a pioneer advocate for immigrant rights and, after 9/11, worked for civil rights and freedom from hate for Muslim citizens.

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