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Paloma Andrade seeks Cook County Circuit Court Clerk Office


Paloma Andrade, Green Party candidate for Cook County Circuit Court Clerk, is featured in an article in Chicagoís Daily Herald as part of a series of articles on the candidates running in this race.

In 2007, Andrade ran as an Independent for Chicagoís 14th Ward alderman seat against Democratic incumbent Edward Burke, who has held that seat for 39 years. On Nov. 4, she takes on Democratic incumbent Dorothy Brown and Republican candidate Diane Shapiro for the position of circuit court clerk, whoís responsible for maintaining the files of the largest consolidated court system in the world.

ìIím an activist,î said Andrade, a bilingual special education teacher and mother of four, who ran against Burke to give voice to the wardís Latino residents. ìI donít consider myself a politician.î

Read the entire article.

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