Obit for Bill Holloway
by Kat Swift, Green Party of†Texas
The†Green Party of Texas mourns†the tragic loss of Bill Holloway.†Bill was a dedicated leader who was currently serving as the†Co-Chair of the†Travis County Green Party†in†Austin,†TX.† He will be†missed as a mentor and a friend.††
Through his kind-hearted activism, Bill touched the lives of so many†people.† He was an active†Green Party†contributor at the local,†state and national levels.† Bill served on numerous committees in†the Green Party and in other organizations as well.†††
Bill Holloway passed away unexpectedly last weekend at his home in†Austin,†Texas. †We know†many will have questions regarding details.† Out of respect for†Bill, his family, and his lengthy legacy of community service, we†hope you understand our reluctance to speculate and request that†others will also be circumspect in their communication.
Our heart-felt condolences go out to all of Bill’s†friends and†family.† Bill was a very special person who will be sorely missed.

at the 2008 Travis County, Texas Green Party Convention