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Maine’s third party: The candidates


Maine’s third party: The candidates–


August 8, 2008 – 2:00pm

Dan Jenkins, H.D. 119 is running for H.D. 119, said the Green Party appealed to him through Ralph Naderís presidential campaign in 2000 ñ though he was only 17 at the time.

William Linnell, S.D. 8 came to the Green Party about 10 years ago while running the fight to shut down the Maine Yankee Nuclear power plant. Then he was a Republican, and served on the Cape Elizabeth town council.

Joshua Miller H.D. 118

In Millerís situation the Greens came to him, seeking another candidate to run for H.D. 118. The race was otherwise uncontested.

This is the one seat the Greens have held before, and it was taken from them in 2006 by just under 100 votes.

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