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Greens offer six big steps for economic recovery


Press release issued by the Green Party of the United States

Greens support workers occupying a factory in Chicago after layoff: bailout money isn’t being used to help working Americans

WASHINGTON, DC — Green Party leaders said today that the incoming Obama Administration and Congress should take six major steps to reverse the financial meltdown and restore financial security for Americans.

The steps include a Green public works program, aid for state and muncipal governments, expansion of mass transit, Single-Payer health care, a peace dividend gained by ending the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan, and an end to the wasteful war on drugs.
“The collapse of the I-35 bridge in Minneapolis in 2007 was a result of the neglect and starvation of funds for maintaining infrastructure that was built decades ago. The ideology of privatization and hostility to ‘big government’ is no longer tenable during the financial crisis — the current White House and Congress conceded as much when they began pushing for bailouts. Public works programs built America, and public works, with hundreds of thousands of new Green jobs, is what America needs now for economic recovery,” said Rosa Clemente, the Green Party’s 2008 candidate for Vice President (http://www.rosaclemente.com).

Read the rest of the press release

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