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Green Presidential Candidates


Quotes and contact information.
by Deirdre Helfferich†

Wed 10/01/03†
GreenPages, Vol 7, No.3

David Cobb, Texas
cobbweb@greens.org, http://www.gwu.edu/~action/2004/cobb.html

“The Green Party is the electoral arm of a growing worldwide movement for peace, social justice, ecology and democracy. The fundamental question facing us is one of sovereignty. Who shall rule: ëWe the People,’ by shared public decision-making, or unelected and unaccountable corporate executives in private boardrooms?”

Paul Glover, New York

“While Greens are horrified at corporate and consumer destruction of planet and society, our message is primarily confident and affirmative. Greens foster grassroots nonprofit and worker-managed enterprises that repair nature. Greens can govern to rebuild America’s cities, such that neighborhoods become energy-efficient; productive of food and fuel; respectful of water; safe and fun to live in. We can restore regional agriculture, rural economies, and habitat.”

Carol Miller, New Mexico

“Carol Miller, well-known GP activist from New Mexico, has kicked off a favorite daughter campaign for presidential delegates in the N.M. presidential primary. Favorite son campaigns used to be very common in the days when presidential conventions actually nominated the candidates. Miller is working to bring both a sense of history to the GP presidential nomination process and her very important issues to the forefront.”

Christina Rosetti, New York

“My goal is to help build the Green Party by helping the party reach its ideals through the practice of those ideals, in the economic, social and political world.”

Lorna Salzman, New York

“The future of our planet lies in the hands of several hundred elected representatives in the U.S. Congress. Most of them are men, and most of them are beholden to corporate interests whose objectives clash with the preservation of our natural environment as well with social and economic justice … What happens in Washington DC will decide the fate of the earth. The Green Party must become the uncompromising voice for all of nature and the survival of the planet.”

Draft Efforts Underway

Cynthia McKinney, Georgia

Ralph Nader, Connecticut

Michael Moore, Michigan

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