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Green Party calls for an independent Puerto Rico


Co-chair presents to the United Nations this June

By Darlene Elias, Co-chair of the Green Party of the United States

Oscar Lopez Rivera and Darlene Elias

Darlene Elias  was asked to present to the Decolonization Committee of the United Nations June 19, 2017. She spoke on the Green Party’s stance regarding the relationship between the United States and Puerto Rico. The platform calls for putting an end to U.S. colonization and letting Puerto Rico become a truly independent country. Also presenting for the UN committee was Puerto Rican activist Oscar López Rivera.

Here is the transcript of Elias’ presentation to the Decolonization Committee United Nations Organization headed by H.E. Rafael Ramirez Carreno.

Your Honor, my name is Darlene Elias. I am one of seven National Co-Chairs of the Green Party of the United States y soy Boricua. Thank you for the opportunity to address such a prestigious and influential group of people here at the United Nations. To begin with, it is the position of the Green Party that the United States needs to sever its ties with Puerto Rico completely and allow for its people to live free of colonial rule for once and for all. U.S. imperialism has only served to oppress the growth and prosperity of Puerto Rico and its people.

The establishment of The Financial Oversight and Management Board, otherwise known as the Junta, is just a measure put in place by the U.S. to ensure that its benefactors continue to prosper from the predatory lending practices of its banks and corporations under the guise of helping the people of Puerto Rico.

The voice of Puerto Rico is suppressed as a colony. In addition, it is evident that the many sacrifices of Puerto Ricans continue to go unrecognized.

In other words, the U.S. as the colonizer is taking advantage of the people of Puerto Rico and reaping the island of all of its resources. Venture capitalist have been permitted to startup businesses in Puerto Rico, buy up property, and pay little to no taxes in the name of profit and to the detriment of Puerto Ricans living on the island. Furthermore, Puerto Rico is not allowed to trade freely and pays up to three times more for goods, and services. With a low gross domestic product, a poverty rate of 50%, and an unemployment rate of 12%, Puerto Rico is on the brink of collapse without the necessary revenues to invigorate and stabilize its economy.

The Financial Control Board in a letter dated June 16, 2017 to Governor Rosello informs that the situation in Puerto Rico is so dire that they are unable to attain “financial equilibrium” without it having an impact on the people of Puerto Rico in the most severe way. If the Financial Control Board is forced to impose the austerity measures called for by Promesa, Puerto Rico will be further catapulted into a deeper humanitarian crisis. A crisis which is impacting the most vulnerable on the island, which are children, the elderly, poor and working class, whom of which should not have to endure anymore sanctions and payback a debt that is illegal.

Nevertheless, the people of Puerto Rico are expected to carry the burden of the debt even though they have no say in their future as evidenced by the composition of the Financial Control Board.

Today is my first visit to the UN. As I approached with excitement to appear before you, speak before you, stand in solidarity with my people, and be in the presence of Oscar Lopez, I stood in awe of the flags and thought to myself wouldn’t it be great if the flag of Puerto Rico was proudly displayed also. It is not because it is a colony. The voice of Puerto Rico is suppressed as a colony. In addition, it is evident that the many sacrifices of Puerto Ricans continue to go unrecognized. Although Puerto Ricans have shed blood sweat and tears to fight in American wars, were recruited and stripped from their families to work in U.S. factories and on agricultural farms they are still not allowed to vote in presidential elections even though they are citizens. Puerto Rico, my people, deserve a place at the table, their voices deserve to be heard, and they deserve full membership in the general assembly.

The voice of Puerto Rico is suppressed as a colony. In addition, it is evident that the many sacrifices of Puerto Ricans continue to go unrecognized.

The Puerto Rican people are despondent and have lost faith in the political system. Only 23% of residents living on the island showed up to the polls to vote in the most recent plebiscite. This is a very low number when you take into account that Puerto Rico consistently has high voter turnout. It is also by far the most telling statement of the Puerto Rican people’s desire for independence. However, the U.S. should not assume, under false pretenses as it did with Hawaii, that Puerto Rico wants to be a state. Instead, Puerto Rico should be allowed to govern themselves as an independent state and or sovereign entity whichever the people elect. The Green Party maintains that it is only when Puerto Rico is able to exercise their right to self-determination and dictate its own circumstances that it will prevail.

In conclusion, true democracy is the only path to liberation and as a party we will continue to stand with Puerto Rico until this end. We do thank the committee in advance for its consideration and noble effort in realizing our mutual goal of decolonization and seeing Puerto Rico succeed. Que Viva Puerto Rico Libre!


  1. Jon Olsen September 5, 2017

    Commending this ringing endorsement of Puerto Rican independence by my fellow Green activist, Darlene Elias, I feel called upon to expand upon a single statement she says: “However, the U.S. should not assume, under false pretenses as it did with Hawaii, that Puerto Rico wants to be a state.”
    While it is true that in 1959 a US instigated plebiscite on statehood was carried out in Hawai’i, and the vote was for statehood, there is MUCH more to the story. The option of regaining independent status was not given! The authority of the US to initiate and organize such a plebiscite was based on the false claim that the sovereignty of Hawai’i had passed to the US in 1898 with the alleged “annexation.”
    Recent profound legal and historical research done by Hawaiians themselves have proven that this transfer was entirely fraudulent. The so-called “treaty of annexation” cited in history books DID NOT pass Congress with the required 2/3 majority. It failed, in no small part due to the enormous mobilization of Hawaiians to oppose such a scheme What did pass was the sneaky “joint resolution of Congress,” by a simple majority. But Congress has no authority to annex a foreign country, which Hawai’i indisputably was in 1898. Would anyone take seriously a vote in the Chinese legislative body claiming to have annexed the USA without any concern for the desires of the people of this country? THAT is how they got control, not sovereignty, of Hawai’i.
    All this and much more is laid out in my book, “LIBERATE HAWAI’I! Renouncing and Defying the Continuing Fraudulent U.S. Claim to the Sovereignty of Hawai’i.” While thousands of people in Hawai’i are acutely aware of this matter, outside of Hawai’i very few know, which is why I, as a 36 year former resident of Oahu and collaborator with Hawaiian colleagues, was qualified to write this story to amplify their articulate voices.

  2. Hector Lopez September 15, 2017

    El Partido Verde de los EU.esta haciendo algo por Puerto Rico. Debemos de hacer alianzas con eloos.


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