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Cynthia McKinney Files for President in Utah

Posted on Dee’s ‘Dotes
Cynthia McKinney filed for President of the United States today in Salt Lake City, Utah at the Utah state capitol building. Here are some photos and other information:

Links to New Items on Cynthia McKinney’s visit:

KCPW Radio:
Green Party Presidential Candidate on Utah’s Ballot

Sep 03, 2008 by Elizabeth Ziegler

(KCPW News) This may be the reddest state in the nation, but Cynthia McKinney just made
it a little greener. The Green Party presidential candidate came to the Capitol Building
this morning to add her name to the Utah ballot. Regardless of her chances of winning the
White House seat, she says it’s important nonetheless for Green candidates to run.

“We believe in our country, and we believe in the value of participating in the political
process,” McKinney says. “We participate in politics because we want our values reflected
in public policy. And to the extent that we can provide voters choice so that the voters
can vote their values, then our system is much stronger, and our country is much

McKinney left the Democratic Party in 2007 after serving six terms as a Georgia
Congresswoman. She says her values were no longer represented in the party, and slams the
Democratic majority in Congress for failing to end the Iraq War, pass a livable wage,
create a single-payer health care system, and protect the Constitution and Bill of
Rights. McKinney says she was drawn to the Green Party because of its key values of
grassroots democracy, environmental wisdom, social justice and peace.

McKinnie is the first black woman to run for President. And along with her Puerto
Rican-American running mate, Rosa Clemente, she says she intends to broaden the party’s

“Rosa and I can take the Green Party into those places that it’s never been before, into
those communities that are marginalized, alienated, depressed and oppressed,” McKinney
says. “And we can offer them an opportunity, a reason, to participate and make our system
stronger. And that’s what I believe the strength of this ticket is.”

Along with an anti-war, social justice and environmental platform, she says she will
fight for election integrity. This was also the topic of her documentary, “American
Blackout,” which won a Sundance Special Jury Prize in 2006.



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