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Cynthia McKinney Announces Run for President




  1. Howard Switzer December 18, 2007

    Yaaaay, run Cynthia run, the time is now for people of all persuasions to unite for a real change in how this nation does business. Let’s try honesty and compassion for a while and see where it takes us. I’m sure this will be a very exciting campaign.

  2. Danielle Vyas December 19, 2007

    I just saw this yesterday. I am new at the primary process [Caucus for me in Nevada], I am new at political and social activism. I currently support Dennis Kucinich for the Democratic Nomination but am seriously considering splitting my efforts to get Cynthia in.
    Too many Progressive Democrats are fed up with the inaction of the Party that we put our trust into in 2006 and it may very well be the time to jump a sinking ship.


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