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Young Ecosocialist Caucus hosts 2023 elections after tumultuous 2022

Cassiday Moriarity February 12, 2023

A Green Movement For Proportional Representation In 2023

Garret Wassermann December 2, 2022

Zarah Livingston, Candidate for Pennsylvania House, on Her Experiences Campaigning and Her Expectations for the Green Party

Jack Lucas November 27, 2022

#RepealTopTwo – Green US House candidate Michael Kerr becomes only fifth California Green to make it onto the November ballot since top two elections were put in place in 2012

Mike Feinstein August 8, 2022

Matthew Hoh for Senate Blasts NC Board of Elections’ Corrupt Decision to Deny Green Party Ballot Petition

Cassiday Moriarity June 30, 2022

Matthew Hoh, Green For US Senate, Slams Democratic Party’s Massive Voter Intimidation Campaign To Sabotage NC Green Party Ballot Drive

Cassiday Moriarity June 30, 2022

Green Pages
c/o Green Party of the United States
P.O. Box 57065
Washington, DC 20037
Fax: (202) 296-7799
E-mail: greenpages@gp.org


  1. sand May 14, 2011

    to whom it may concern,

    you may need to update your article on Elaine Brown, former Black Panther chairperson.
    Brown is believed, through her own acknowledgement, to have been a high ranking FBI infiltrator in the Black Panther Party. Her relationship to an FBI operative prior to joining the Panthers is on record as is the fact that she misused Party funds and exposed Huey P. newton to hard drugs when he was released from prison in August 1970.

    Today no Panthers support her presence or mission because it is one of selfish opportunism.


  2. Joel House June 6, 2011

    I suggest this site be re-vitalized. It’s critical it be more current and topical. Reader article, and forums using disqus would be very valuable.

    If I am site challenged, please let me know. What can I subscribe to? Where are the active forums? Where are the topical articles?

    The Green Party is the last hope of a dying democracy. There is little time left. Drafting a high profile candidate fro President is imperative. Even if it takes drafting from the ranks of the two main parties. And why not? As long as they swear off corporate money and are in line with most of the platform, drafting the winner would change the nation.

  3. david nelson July 11, 2011

    Where are the current issues of Green Pages? If the Green Party
    is a viable entity to make a stir in the coming national election shouldn’t the heat be turned up, you guys? We are in
    crisis times and writer/cartoonists such as me need an outlet for
    our passion to help set things right…

  4. Bill Reitter September 9, 2011

    Why is there no mention of OCTOBER2001 by GP.org? Will you have a visible presence in Freedom Square? Won’t you be part of the uprising and revolution? StopTheMachine in Washington in October, and stay until we have results: End the occupations and wars, allow Single Payer Health Care…at least as an option! Improved Medicare for all! OPON.org.

  5. Tobias Kröger October 7, 2011

    Hello from northern germany!
    I like to get an information pakage about the green burray`s.
    Please inside some stickers and pins,if there are some aviable.

    Tobias Kröger
    Gut Gothard 13 27356 Rotenburg (Wümme)
    2 nd wourld

  6. Roger L. James December 8, 2011

    To whom I hope it concerns:
    I have been a long time member of the Green Party, and decided to be more active. I have an online magazine, and would like to know how I can help you.

    Roger L. James

  7. AJ Janssen February 13, 2012

    publish this on Amazon.com and charge for it, like .99 cents
    I will subscribe.

  8. Jason emmer April 2, 2012

    Im looking for support from green pieace Louisiana I will also contact Washington DC to show interest in my business plan for a green business I have contacted state and local representatives and have gotten good responses but nothing more I feel Louisiana needs this type of green business because of the hurricanes that nock down trees and the amount of roofs we go though from storms we recycle trees, wood, CnD construction materials an shingles,rock and asphalt Our goal is eventually keep 98% of all waste from land fills. Please contact me for business plan proforma and if you have any investors/ partners that would like to get this project underway we plan to reinvest in business and circle the gulf
    Thank you for time
    Jason emmer
    Emmer environmental group LLC
    Lafayette la 70503

  9. Boukari Illiassou June 9, 2012

    Hi ladies and gentlemen.My hope first to build partnership betwen our countries by sharing on topics like environment issues,climate change impacts and to know if have training concerning environmental sciences,climate etc…
    I am so involved and interested.Please feel free to let me know more about.
    Kind regards.
    Boukari (Niger young Greens)

  10. Geert van der Schoot August 7, 2012

    Subject: Suggestion for the creation of a Coöperativ American Social Profit Organisation.
    In the above organization would all American States affiliated companies which are in principle taxable profit may be invited to become members of this cooperative organization. Intention is that companies/institutions/organisations, which in principle can/should make profits, can choose 5% or 10% or 15% or 20% or 25% of the net profit to transfer available to the CASPO. Allows private cooperative members in the use an equal part CASPO major societal issues to tackle, which also can cause a positive impact for State budgets. Financial institutions which are making profits, as banks must participate and be of mandatory Member/CASPO mentioned.
    Of the total capital to receive members to receive funding from companies and individuals + total profit would receive payments should be deposited in an American 10% Deposit surety fund, 10% t. .e.g. an American Global Micro Credit Organization and 5% to finance the costs of these organisations. In total about 75% in an equal remains than to allow use of societal amount financial support. For example, a random u.s. State that would have been the choice of 1) repayment mortgage debt 2) Care Premium 3) Repays study loan 4) start-up capital support start-ups 5) loan for energy in own management (purchasing solar panels).
    The chosen percentages available than can be construed as theorem net profits on the discount percentage to pay profit tax. So In principle up to 1 option for private cooperative members per State per year, but the societal issues can obviously differ State by State. Companies can also apply for financial support by the more money when individuals left, making the profits through production/consumption can increase or remain may increase.
    The American Deposit surety Fund paid-up capital is for the same amount again in the u.s. Government by decentralised than under simultaneous flushing on the Central American CASPO added surety deposit.

    What do you think of my idea?

  11. Bernard K. Martin August 17, 2012

    I propose -in french, what a scheme ! – a lot of informations (global approach) on : http://PlanetHumus.com
    Sorry for my poor English, I learn it…
    Bernard K. Martin
    Editions L’Harmattan – Paris

  12. john comstock May 22, 2013

    Does the Green Party have suggestions or guidance for socially responsible investing (SRI)? I see over 400 mutual funds listed as “SRI” with various levels of responsibility for choosing investments that enhance global human rights, environmental stewardship, avoiding weapons manufacturing, tobacco, etc.
    Apartheid in South Africa was partly stemmed by massive boycotting of their financial instruments, and I feel the Green Party could be very effective by exerting its considerable credibility in a similar avenue.


    John Comstock

  13. Joyce Hernandez August 13, 2013

    Dear Green Party:
    Will you have some one running in the NJ Senate election? Please give me information on their platform. The main stream media have been horrible about doing stories on third party candidates here in NJ.


  14. patrick h October 1, 2013

    I’m interested in the green party membership count. Do you have any numbers over that the members are increasing or decreasing?

    This is not for publication, i’m just interested in joining. Thank you for your time

    Cerritos ca

  15. Mary Alice Shulman January 31, 2015

    I am 91 years old and was educated about the Green Party because of Dee Berry when we were both in Rincon de Guayabitos, Mexico. It was a standing joke that Dee was on her way out, but waiting for husband George to catch up.

    I would love to know if either or both are still alive. I am at my same address in Ann Arbor. Bob did not live to see the present century, dying in the last decade of the prior one.

  16. Mary Alice Shulman January 31, 2015

    What I wrote in here before was not meant to be a reply to the earlier post but rather
    something I wanted to say about Dee Berry and how I learned about the Greens. We spent some years at the same place in Mexico in the winter time. The standing joke there wss that Dee was rushing off some place and husband George was trying to catch up.

    But Dee was about to run on the Green Party slate in (Kansas?), and filled me in about the party and everything it stood for.

    I am now 90 years old and wondered if Dee or George was still alive. My husband died in the early 1990’s.

  17. Phil Manke March 16, 2015

    2nd PP….Therefor, a government in the USA (a state), may not outlaw unions unless it also outlaws any other recognitions within itself that are more important than individual rights, such as corporate entities or financial institutions. I suggest this as a guide for an amendment to the USA or any state Constitution…….

    RevPhil Manke:: It is very inefficient to have an opposing government (unions) operating within the major reigning government. It is a justification of the corruption in the major form of government. It is far more efficient and honest to form a just and fair government to oversee all people. That was the intention of the US Constitution until it was corrupted by Capitalism.! A government without Capitalism would not need unions if it honored the USA Constitution……

  18. Team Heather September 8, 2021

    Heather Collins is a Green Party California Gubernatorial Candidate. Many of us California Green Party voters no longer trust our Los Angeles Green Party leadership. It’s time to interview Heather for Governor!

  19. Alex Nosal June 26, 2022

    The Greens are the only viable Party in the U.S. that has chance to uproot the two corrupt Party’s of the Establishment. I am quite aware the the Greens will never get coverage from the Mainstream media, but we can all change that using social media. My company alone has a million subscribers and if we’re able to get a candidate on the ballot in every district in the U.S., Americans will finally have an opportunity to install a truly democratic government. The current platform is not bad, addressing important issues like global warming, dismantling the MIC, universal healthcare and no more student debt, but the crisis in the Ukraine has presented the Greens with a golden opportunity to usher in people who are not beholden to special interest groups. There are very few Americans that are not aware that a handful of powerful corporations rule against us and the current crisis in the Ukraine highlights this more than ever with incredible censorship of opposing views, the collapse of the American economy and the endless wars that our Federal government continues to promote at our expense. What we need now is a Green National Congress. I would be happy to fund a “political Woodstock” in the centre of the country that is open to everyone who is sick and tired of the corporate controlled economy. the rest of the world is counting on us to reel in our corrupt government and the Green Party is the last gasp of air we have before the corporate elites will lead us off a cliff towards the planet’s sixth mass extinction event.


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