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Cassandra Martineau, Candidate for Lt. Governer in Connecticut Speaks To The Masses


To Green Party Members and Supporters, Near and Far:

In these difficult times, I hope this message finds you well. I am Cassandra Martineau, a Co-Chair of the Green Party of Connecticut and Vice-Chair of the Windham Green Town Committee.

If you’ve never heard of Windham (or Willimantic, one of our two “tax districts”), you should have. In 2021, seventeen Greens won election to local offices across the United States. Six of them were from Windham. In our town the Green Party is no longer a third party. We are the second party. Greens have the highest voter turnout percentage of any party in Windham.

In 2021, Windham Greens elected 2 Willimantic Taxing District seats in an 11 member Town Council, 2 members of the Willimantic Taxing District Board of Directors, a member of the Board of Assessment Appeals and an alternate to the Zoning Board of Appeals. In addition, Greens have served on most local government commissions, including Ethics, Energy, Charter Revision, Conservation, Planning & Zoning and the Housing Authority, and 5 of the town’s 26 Justices of the Peace are Green. As a result of our 2021 wins, we also won a long, hard fight to create a Civilian Police Review Board in Windham.

And we’re not the only town in Connecticut electing Greens to office. In New London we have served on the City Council, Board of Education, and Planning & Zoning. Madison Greens elected a Town Council member and a member of the Police Commission.

That’s why in 2022 we are taking our local Green successes on the road. In November, Connecticut voters can vote for Green candidates for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, three of five congressional districts, and several state legislative offices.

The Green Party is vitally important as a challenge to the anti-worker, pro-war, anti-planet policies of the Democratic and Republican parties.  While these parties have become more and more partisan on the surface, on policy they are more alike than ever. Neither is serious about addressing income inequality, systemic racism and bigotry, Covid-19 and the health care crisis, cutting the military budget, and, of course, climate catastrophe. Maybe that’s why, here in Connecticut, the Democrats and Republicans chose two millionaires as candidates for Governor this year, signaling their true allegiance to the rich and powerful.

Needless to say, none of our Green Party candidates are millionaires. When we speak about what working people need to survive, we are speaking from our own experience as workers, parents, and concerned community members. Our Green candidates want to reach every Connecticut voter with our campaign theme that there is Room at the Table: room at the table for every resident in need of housing, healthcare, food security, and education.

To accomplish our goals we need your financial support. Whatever you can contribute, please donate online at: https://secure.anedot.com/green-party-of-connecticut/donate. Funds will go directly to amplifying Green voices and views, which are increasingly critical in today’s world.

In solidarity, 

Cassandra Martineau, 

Green Party of Connecticut, Co-Chair, and candidate for Lieutenant Governor

Cassiday Moriarity

Graduate of Indiana University Bloomington in 2020, she nows volunteers in her free time for various committees for the Green Party at the Local, State, and National level.

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