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Black caucus to hire staff member


New position will conduct African-American outreach.
by Michele Tingling-Clemmons & Diane White, Black Caucus †

Wed 10/01/03†
GreenPages, Vol 7, No.3

The Black Caucus of the Green Party of the United States has agreed upon a job description and hiring process for the position of African American Outreach Director and forwarded it to the steering committee.

The caucus is also in the process of working out the details for the Washington, D.C. College/Community Black Green Tour, the first part of the Black Caucus proposal adopted at the recent national conference of the party.

For the outreach director position, the Black Caucus will review applications and select final candidates, and a Black Caucus committee will interview and choose the director.

Applications for the Director of African American Outreach should be sent to the Green Party of the United States, P.O. Box 57065, Washington, DC 20037.

All applications received will be forwarded to the Black Caucus co-chairs, George Martin and Michele Tingling-Clemmons. A committee composed of four members of the Black Caucus will determine three final candidates.

The final three will have a face-to-face interview with the Black Caucus representatives in Washington, after which the final candidate will be chosen. Names of all candidates and data on the finalists will be shared with the Coordinating Committee of the party.

The position will be located in Washington and open until filled.

Anyone interested in joning the Black Caucus can contact Tingling-Clemmons at Mirico5@aol.com. There is also a listserv located at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/GreenPartyBlackCaucus2/.

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