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McKinney/Clemente ticket also makes history


Published in The Michigan Citizen

The Democratic Partyís apparent entitlement to certain voting blocksí support has led to the Green Party being depicted as a ëspoilerí in the last two presidential elections. But Clemente insists the view that Nader cost Democrats the election in 2000 is a narrow one with roots in the movement to marginalize third party efforts.

ìWhoever says that doesnít know their history. Nader didnít give Bush the election in 2000, the Supreme Court gave Bush the election in 2000. It was the same in 2004óKerry, the Democratic presidential candidate conked out by not getting 150,000 African American votes in Ohio in 04. People want to rewrite history so they can feel good about the last eight years with George Bush and they forget that it was the Supreme Court that selected George Bush.î

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