2011 Summer Issue

The 2011 Summer issue of Green Pages celebrates a return of our print edition, just in time for our 2011 Annual National Meeting. The ANM coincides with the biannual NY Greenfest which will take place on the campus of Alfred University August 5 to August 7.
Featured topics in this issue fighting anti-immigrant xenophobia in Arizona; campaigns by Greens in Pennsylvania and New York to protect water supplies by banning hydrofracking; the historic electoral victory of Elizabeth May in Canada; reports on electoral success in the United States and reflections by Brent McMillan, the former Political Director of the Green Party.
This issue also includes an updated version of Democracy is Coming (1.05 mb). The full PDF version of this issue can be downloaded here (2.02 mb).
As always, read, comment, distribute.
Metastasizing xenophobia
U.S. Greens work to stem anti-immigrant tide
by Randall Amster
Elizabeth May and the Canadian Greens Make History
by Camille Labchuk, Green Party of Canada Federal Councillor and former Press Secretary to Elizabeth May and Jordy Gold, Elizabeth May Deputy Campaign Manager
Greens are winning more federal and state winner-take-all elections worldwide
by Mike Feinstein, Green Party of California
German Greens flying high as nuke era ends
by Phil Hill, Bündnis ‘90/Die Grünen (German Green Party)
Eastern Greens say “No Fracking Way”
Efforts to ban hydraulic fracturing methods heat up
by Deyva Arthur, Green Party of New York State
How I went about winning a campaign
Anita Stewart runs a successful low budget campaign in Florida
by Anita Stewart, The Green Party of Florida
Cynthia Santiago for California State Assembly
Draws votes for first time campaign
by David MCorquodale, Green Party of Delaware
State Parties increase, more Greens run for office
by David McCorquodale, Green Party of Delaware
2012 platform process has begun
Latina/o (Somos Verdes) Caucus seeks accreditation
Brent McMillan – His part in shaping the Green Party in this country
Seven years in the hot seat
My reflections as Political Director for the Green Party of the United States
by Brent McMillan
Campaign reflections from Green Candidate Linda Piera-Ávila
Green Senate candidate runs historic campaign
Despite obstacles Tom Clements gains votes in South Carolina
by Scott West
Running for the very first time
Massachusetts candidate describes his run for state representative
by Mark Miller