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McKinney speaks out for Gaza at massive rally


featuresAn excerpt from the Green presidential candidateís speech

More than 20,000 people rallied in Washington D.C., January 10th as part of an international call to action with protests simultaneously occurring across the county and around the world to support people in Gaza and call for end to its destruction. A keynote speaker in Washingtonís “Let Gaza Live” rally was 2008 Green presidential candidate, Cynthia McKinney.

Only days before, McKinney narrowly escaped when the boat she was on to bring humanitarian aid to Gaza was intentionally and repeatedly rammed by the Israeli military in international waters. The Israelis then sprayed gunfire around her boat; despite the envoyís broadcast they were unarmed. McKinneyís boat was able to make it to land safely, but was unable to deliver the much-needed medical supplies.

Still reeling from her own personal experience, McKinneyís speech in Washington pointed out the role of the U.S. government in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict and called citizens to speak out and to vote.

Everywhere else around the world the carnage that is Gaza is being seen and the people are revolted by what they see.

Here are Cynthia McKinneyís words at the “Let Gaza Live” Rally:

We don’t see the images. They are neatly censored from our view in this country. But everywhere else around the world the carnage that is Gaza is being seen and the people are revolted by what they see.

They see dead babies, decapitated bodies, defenseless relief workers killed. Maimed men, makeshift morgues, mortified mothers.

They see exploding white phosphorus shells, cluster bombs, depleted uranium munitions.

They see what is reportedly the world’s fourth most powerful military using all of its power against a defenseless people.

In fact, they are witnesses to 15 days of war crimes, crimes against humanity, ethnic cleansing, and genocide.

They see Hugo Chavez expel Venezuela’s Israeli Ambassador and they see lawmakers in Ecuador condemn Israel’s actions, calling for an investigation into Israel’s crimes against humanity.

And despite the obvious facts of an Israeli-sponsored terror campaign against Palestinians in Gaza, a piece of territory roughly twice the size of the District of Columbia, they see the U.S. Congress support a resolution totally supporting Israel, even though Israel is in violation of U.S. and international law.

They see Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, swaggering in insult to black America by initially refusing to seat Roland Burris from Illinois in the Senate, yet that same Reid cowers before the pro-Israel lobby, and they wonder why.

And sadly, they see the U.S. President-elect, who roared onto the scene like a lion, remain as quiet as a lamb in the face of the utter inhumanity of Israel’s actions, and they wonder why.

And then, they see us. Gathered here in front of the White House, reaffirming our own humanity. The tears of the Palestinians roll down our cheeks, even as we bury our own victims of police murder.

A new day is coming in U.S. politics. We will use the power of our vote to change U.S. policy. We will no longer check our values at the door and support politicians and political parties that fail to deliver.

Not one more bomb to Israel.

In defense of humanity, we will not give up and we will win.

Cynthia McKinney at the rally. photo courtesy of http://whitehouseprotest.org/

Cynthia McKinney at the rally. photo courtesy of http://whitehouseprotest.org/

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