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Green Candidates: Authors and Writers


by David McCorquodale, Green Party of Delaware

One trait many of the 2010 Green Party candidates have is the ability to write and to share their ideas on issues about which they are passionate. Here is a partial list of their efforts:

Ann Menasche:
Leaving the Life: Lesbians, Ex-Lesbians and the Heterosexual Imperative (London: Onlywomen Press, Limited, 1999), $17.99 paperback.

Dr. Jill Stein:
In Harmís Way: Toxic Threats to Child Development, 2000, and Environmental Threats to Healthy Aging, 2009. Both are available for free download.

Tom Tresser:
America Needs You ñ Why You Should Become A Creativity Champion, free download.

Carol Wolman, M.D.:
Frequent contributor to OpEd News(up to 2009).

Jeremy Cloward:
Private Military firms and the United States War with Iraq.

G. Scott Deshefy:
Books: Shadow Stones and Other Poems (Ahimsa Press, 2002), Houyhnhnms All: Selected Poems (Ahimsa Press, 1998). Anthologies: Survival in Writing and Art 2001 (CT Trauma Coalition, 2001), In Other Words: An American Poetry Anthology (Western Reading Services, 1995) Journals: Eye Prayers, Gone .

Nicholas Ruiz III:
The Metaphysics of Capital, 2006; American In Absentia, 2008; and soon-to-be-released Integral Reality. He is also the editor of Kritikos.

Nicholas Ladendorf:
A cartoonist, currently constricting his website, http://www.nilgravity.com/.

Alan Woodruff:
A lawyer and author/co-author of more than 100 books (including three novels), articles and published study reports.

Anthony Gronowicz:
A historian, who has written several books, including Race and Class Politics in New York City Before the Civil War

Howie Hawkins:
An author of numerous articles on social theory, cooperative economics and independent politics in many publications. Links to his writing can be found at his campaign website: HowieHawkins.com

Rosa Clemente:
Hip Hop journalist, co-host producer on WBAI, and entrepreneur is currently writing a novel, Siempre Palante: Young Lords and the Legacy of Youth Resistance

Dr. Rick Staggenborg:
Has written Stop the Madness: The Diary of a Soldier for Peace in the War to Take Back America. Download at: http://takebackamericaforthepeople.blogspot.com/2009/11/stop-madness-diary-of-for-peace-in-war.html.

Ed Bortz:
Voices of A Wanderer at http://edbortzforcongress.org

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