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Young Ecosocialist Caucus hosts 2023 elections after tumultuous 2022

Cassiday Moriarity February 12, 2023

A Green Movement For Proportional Representation In 2023

Garret Wassermann December 2, 2022

Zarah Livingston, Candidate for Pennsylvania House, on Her Experiences Campaigning and Her Expectations for the Green Party

Jack Lucas November 27, 2022

#RepealTopTwo – Green US House candidate Michael Kerr becomes only fifth California Green to make it onto the November ballot since top two elections were put in place in 2012

Mike Feinstein August 8, 2022

Matthew Hoh for Senate Blasts NC Board of Elections’ Corrupt Decision to Deny Green Party Ballot Petition

Cassiday Moriarity June 30, 2022

Matthew Hoh, Green For US Senate, Slams Democratic Party’s Massive Voter Intimidation Campaign To Sabotage NC Green Party Ballot Drive

Cassiday Moriarity June 30, 2022

Thank you for your interest in joining the Green Pages Editorial Board. Please review details below about first being vetted by your state or caucus before completing the application.

About The Green Pages Editorial Board

The Green Pages editorial board is a skills-based, working board dedicated to the production of Green Pages, a print and Web publication of the Green Party of the United States. The board’s work requires a group of people versed in the production of an on-line and print publication. Members must possess strong skills in one or more of the following areas: writing, editing, layout and/or design, publication project management, printing, or journalism. While the board members are usually working editors, designers, publishers, or journalists or have related experience such as having taught college-level writing courses, professional background in these areas is not required. No candidate who is registered with another party other than Greens, where Green registration is available, will be considered.

Prospective members should provide information on their Green affiliation, skills, and background to the board, via the co-chairs. A résumé, curriculum vitae, or website URL with work samples is helpful, but not required.

Technical skills: The board communicates via e-mail and phone conferences; thus, familiarity with computers and access to e-mail is required. Familiarity with software programs such as a word processing program like MS Word, and/or a layout program such as Quarkxpress or Adobe InDesign, is also necessary. Familiarity with website editing, publishing programs, or graphics editing software such as Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator is also useful, but not required.

Selection: Editorial Board members may be proposed for appointment to the editorial board in accordance with GP-US policy and procedure by a state, caucus, or network. New members shall be selected by the board, as per Article III of the GP-US bylaws, from those proposed by a state, caucus, or network; at the invitation of the board; or from volunteers. The respective state parties must approve all prospective members, in writing usually via e-mail, to the co-chairs. The board shall select new members by consensus, giving due consideration to the skills and commitment to high journalistic standards of the prospective member. If consensus cannot be reached, then approval shall require a two-thirds majority vote by the active membership of the board.

Application To Green Pages Editorial Board

All information submitted should be sent to greenpages@greens.org.



Affiliations: List any local, state/caucus, or national Green Party affiliations or positions held. Be sure to indicate which state or caucus has recommended you for Green Pages.

Biography: For the Editorial Board to consider this application, please submit a biographical statement of no more than 300 words. Explain your qualifications for this position and why you seek nomination. You may use this section to evaluate your ability to complete tasks required for this position. You may also include hyperlinks to examples of your work (please, no attachments).

Note: Please contact your state / caucus PRIOR to submitting your application to the Green Pages editorial board to get approval from your party to serve on the editorial board. Please include details in your application about whom you contacted (name, position) from your state or caucus to obtain approval to the editorial board; when contact was made; phone/e-mail contact info; and any info you have about the status of your request.

Prospective board members should submit completed application, biographical statement and all optional materials to greenpages@greens.org. Applications will be reviewed by the Co-Chairs and the Editorial Board. If possible, these components should be saved as plain text format (.txt) in order to avoid wrapping/formatting problems.

Green Pages: The Newspaper of the Green Party of the United States

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