Editorial by Howie Hawkins, 2020 presidential nominee, Green Party of New York State The platform of the Green Party of the United States calls for proportional representation (PR) for legislative bodies and ranked-choice voting (RCV) ...
Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Texas block candidates in 2020 elections By Garret Wassermann, Green Party of Pennsylvania, and Dave Schwab, Green Party of Wisconsin The Democratic Party has a long history of trying – often successfully ...
Rams through Restrictive Ballot Access Law By Deyva Arthur, Green Party of New York State New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo is trying to assassinate the Green Party, and though he has made it nearly ...
By the Numbers, Follow the Money By Mike Feinstein, Green Party of California HR1/S1 – the ‘For the People Act’ – would have a devastating effect on the ability of the Green Party (and other ...
Greens Take the Lead in the Electoral Reform Movement By David McCorquodale, Green Party of Delaware Both national and local Green Party candidates face numerous obstacles in elections. A fear among many voters is that ...
I laughed out loud when a Bernie or Buster called me to ask how to get THE petition to put Jill Stein and the Green Party on the ballot. Like so many people, this caller ...
† It takes focus and hard work to build a party by Phil Huckelberry, Chair of the Illinois Green Party and Co-Chair of the Green Party of the United States. In 2008 the Illinois Green ...
Green leads ballot access effort in Pennsylvania by Bob Small, Chair of the Green Party of Delaware County and delegate to the Green Party of the United States.† When it first met in late December ...
by Claudia Ellquist, Arizona GP CoChair Citizens, concerned about the state of the country and the world,† have long used blogs, 501c3s,† lobbying groups, and candidate- endorsement PACs† to reach politicians from the over-represented† parties. ...