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Calling all young Greens!


The Young Greens of America have been steadily building!†With membership continuing to grow, the organization is searching for more young people willing to lead their peers and organize new chapters have managed to get candidates on the ballot, with at least one on the state-wide, and two for Congress, plus countless others running for County Board spots across the state. Illinois is also hosting a Regional Young Greens Conference for young greens throughout the Midwest to come together and plan.

The YGA is looking for people to coordinate statewide efforts aimed at building networks and coalitions among chapters of Young Greens and Campus Greens throughout your state. Also in need are folks who are willing to coordinate efforts across numerous states, especially in the West and Northeast.

As always, if you are not yet a member of the Young Greens of America and are part of a newly-formed campus organization or would like to get involved in any way, please contact them at youngreensus@gmail.com of Campus Greens and Young Greens. The leadership of the YGA has begun planning a National Convention, scheduled for the summer of 2010. It will be a weekend event featuring workshops, elections, planning, and guest speakers.

The Illinois Young Greens

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