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International Greens Obituaries

Arne Naess


aleqm5gduf3dbispbbyvf4t4vkqo7cekewArne NÊss is dead, 96 years old. The Green party wishes to thank its honorary member since 1997 for everything he has contributed in the 20 years of the party’s existence. NÊss has been a source of inspiration not only to us, but to the entire international movement of green parties. As the father of ecosophy and a real pioneer of holistic ecological thinking, he has created the basis on which much green thinking rests. In many ways he was far ahead of his time. – his humility, sense of wonder and playful attitude towards all that surrounds us, are values we now need more than ever.

Arne NÊss was not only a man of big thoughts, but also a man of action. Many remember his participation in nonviolent direct action at Mard¯la in 1970 and at Alta ten years later. Arne NÊss was environmentalism in practice.

Arne NÊss was indeed a great man. We are very grateful for what he gave us, for always saying yes to our invitations and for being anchorman on our lists in Oslo at local and national elections since 1987. He was our political and ideological guarantee. This year for the first time somebody else will have to play that part. It will be a big challenge.

At this time our thoughts go to Arne’s family and friends. We shall do what we can to take his thinking into the twentyfirst century. Thank you, Arne!

Arne NÊss er d¯d, 96 Âr gammel. Milj¯partiet De Gr¯nne takker sitt Êresmedlem fra 1997 for alt han har bidratt med i de 20 Ârene partiet har eksistert. NÊss har vÊrt en stor inspirasjonskilde ikke bare for oss, men for hele den internasjonale gr¯nne partibevegelsen. Som ¯kosofiens far og en virkelig pioner innen helhetlig ¯kologisk tenkning har han skapt fundamentet mye gr¯nn ideologi hviler pÂ. P mange mÂter var han langt forut for sin tid ñ hans ydmykhet, undring og lekenhet overfor alt som omgir oss er verdier vi trenger n mer enn noensinne.

Arne NÊss var ikke bare en mann av store tanker, men ogs av handling. Mange husker hans engasjement i forbindelse med blant annet Mard¯la-aksjonen og kampen om Alta-vassdraget p 70-tallet og hans deltakelse i sivil ulydighet for saken. Arne NÊss var milj¯vern i praksis.

Arne NÊss var en virkelig stor mann. Vi er dypt takknemlige for det han har gitt oss, for at han alltid stilte opp og for at han innehadde Êresplassen p vÂr valgliste i Oslo til kommunevalg og stortingsvalg i alle Âr siden partiets grunnleggelse i 1987. Han var vÂr politiske og ideologiske garantist. I Âr blir noen andre for f¯rste gang n¯dt til  fylle den rollen. Det blir et stort tomrom  fylle.

Samtidig gÂr vÂre tanker til Arnes familie og venner. Vi vil gj¯re alt vi kan for at hans tanker bringes videre inn i det 21. Ârhundret. Takk for alt, Arne!


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