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2010 Winter Issue



Florida faces nuclear threat
by Michael Canney

Arizona Greens triumph in federal court
by Claudia Ellquist

Robert ìBobî Long, Green Pioneer (1917-2010)
by Mike Feinstein

Berkeley Peace and Justice Commission follows Ten Key Values
by Bob Meola

Cynthia McKinney receives international peace award


Fairfax, Californiaís Town Council: The Green Party Majority
by Mimi Newton

Green-Rainbow Party Sets Sights on 2010 Races
by Dave England

Dozens of candidates file for the Green Party primary in Illinois


Green Ideology and Its Relation to Modernity: Including a Case Study of the Green Party of Sweden by Michael Moon
Reviewed by Angela Aylward, Green Party of Sweden (Miljˆpartiet de grˆna)

From Hopenhagen to Nopenhagen ï Climate change negotiations fail ï Global Greens present alternative
by Mike Feinstein


A vision for the midterm
by Brent McMillan

A tale of party oppression at the local level
by Deyva Arthur, Green Party of New York State


Poetic obituary for Dennis Brutus
Stone Hammered to Gravel by Martin Espada

Poetry Corner
Overtime†by Jackie Sheeler

Green Music by Tom
by Barbara Rodgers-Hendricks

A summary review of Forever Pleasure, a utopian novel by Theodore R. Eastman
by Barbara Rodgers-Hendricks


State Reports

About the logo on the cover illustration

With radiating waves, a skull and crossbones and a running person, a new ionizing radiation warning symbol is being introduced to supplement the traditional international symbol for radiation, the three cornered trefoil.

The new symbol is being launched today by the IAEA and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) to help reduce needless deaths and serious injuries from accidental exposure to large radioactive sources. It will serve as a supplementary warning to the trefoil, which has no intuitive meaning and little recognition beyond those educated in its significance.

International Atomic Energy Agency press release

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