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2009 Fall


2009-fall-coverFall 2009


Presidential candidate, Cynthia McKinney detained by Israel
Humanitarian aid envoy to Gaza seized
by Lewis Pollis, Green Party of Ohio, with contributions from Wendy Kenin, Green Party of California

A Florida Greenís charges dropped after a vigil for activist injured in Palestine

Confronting the G20
Green activists speak out at summit and are met with police violence
by e b bortz, Pennsylvania Green Party

Nationwide protests calling for an end to the wars in mid-October

Reversing the illusion of change
Green Party of Connecticut wins lawsuit against Clean Elections Law
by Mike DeRosa, co-chair of the Green Party of Connecticut

Convention in Durham develops priorities for the party
by Deyva Arthur, Green Party of New York State

Getting to know the Platform

Taking the lead in green trends
A look a four who live following the Green Party platform
by Wendy Kenin, Green Party of California


Support Local Candidates

Green Party of Arkansas Sues to Keep Ballot Status

The all-year pursuit of Ballot Access
States efforts to gain ballot access across the country
from the National Office of the Green Party of the United States

Greens run for several offices simultaneously in Stamford, Connecticut
Hoping to enable political viability with multi-pronged approach
by Rolf Maurer, Connecticut Green Party and Stamford Mayoral and Constable candidate

Why they keep on winning
Ingredients for the success of Green incumbent: Cam Gordon and Alan Brison
by David McCorquodale, Green Party of Delaware and Elections Editor

Illinois Greens criticize a bill to eliminate ìslatingî


Mixed results in German Federal Election
by Phil Hill, B¸ndnis ë90/Die Gr¸nen

Green Party UK co-founder Teddy Goldsmith passes at 80
by Mike Feinstein, member, International Committee of the Green Party of the United States

Canadian Green Party Leader Elizabeth May to run in British Columbia
by Camille Labchuk, Federal Councillor and former Press Secretary, Green Party of Canada

Government interferes with establishment of Green Party in Rwanda
by Mike Feinstein, member, International Committee of the Green Party of the United States

Greens of the Americas meet in Chile – impressions of US Greens
by Michael Canney, Green Party of the United States delegate to the Federation of the Green Parties of the Americas
and Sanda Everette, Co-Chair, Green Party of the United States


Playing Hardball
How to be effective in Politics
by Brent McMillan, Executive Director of the Green Party of the United States

Health care reform: congress needs to protect Americans, not insurance companies
by Mark Dunlea, Green Party of New York State

Reasons For A Private National Health System ñ we get to stay sick
by John Jonik

Green Party USA, Yer Blowing It!!
by Philip A Farruggio, Green Party of Florida

Climate Change: The only news that matters
by Joseph Lampert

Markey-Waxman climate bill fatally flawed
by Maggie Zhou and Jill Stein, The Green Rainbow Party of Massachusetts

Is the United States Really a Democracy?
by Tha Truth, Green Party of New Jersey

Open Borders – The Other Side of the Coin
by Don Whitehead, Independent Affiliate of the Tennessee Green Party (Nashville)


The Colors of Green
A Green Pages interview with Lisa Hsu of the Green Party of California

When the rivers run dry
A review of Pearceís assessment of the worldís water resources
by Barbara Rodgers-Hendricks, Green Party of Florida

Thanksgiving: a poem
by Steve Bloom, Green Party of New York State


Young Greens

Staying strong against Obama peer pressure
by Lewis Pollis, Ohio Green Party

Calling All Young Greens


State Reports
Poll Results

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