by Mike Feinstein, member, International Committee of the Green Party of the United States
The Green Party is well known for advocating sustainability and ìthinking seven generations ahead.î Thatís exactly what happened on a grand scale this September in Berlin, at the Gru?ne Zukunfts-Kongress (Green Futures Congress).
Today Bu?ndnis í90/Die Gru?nen (Alliance í90/the Greens) finds itself in opposition, after seven years in national coalition government (1998-2005) with the Social Democrats. They now need to think through the partyís future and unite it around a common vision, according to party chairman Reinhard Bu?tikofer.
To help facilitate that process, the Congress featured 51 workshops and nine panels, free of formal decision-making, allowing attendees to openly exchange ideas. Plenary sessions featured many speakers from trade unions, science, economy and social movements. Also featured were German Green Party decision makers and world renowned international guests such as Indiaís Vandana Shiva.
The Zukunfts-Kongress was preceded by 13 regional conferences across Germany, starting in early May in North Rhine-Westphalia and Munich, in order to broaden the debate and build momentum towards Berlin.
For a party that had been criticized in past years as stuck in the ìgeneration of 1968,î one of the most impressive dynamics of the Congress was that 30 percent of participants were under 30 years old. This was a result of a five year party commitment into youth organizing, according to B¸tikofer.
Policy debated in Berlin will likely find its way into resolutions at the Federal Party Congress in Cologne this December. The debate will continue, observed B¸tikofer, and the Congress ìwill show whether what we made here has a meaning and carries.î
For more information: Gr¸ne Zukunfts Kongress
Video: Interview with Bu?tikofer at Gru?ne Zukunfts-Kongress