Yes we are a rich nation; yes we are one of the most powerful nations. But, the greatness of our nation is not in our governmentóit is in our people. I have seen the essence of that greatness in those who made sacrifices to come down to help us in our time of need. – Malik Rahim
Malik Rahim is the founder of Common Ground Relief Collective, the mission of which is to provide short term relief for victims of hurricane disasters in the gulf coast region, and long term support in rebuilding the communities affected in the New Orleans area.† The collective was formed shortly after the flooding that occured as a result of Hurrican Katrina in 2005.
From Malik† Rahim’s Campaign website:
Malik Rahim, born and raised in New Orleans’ Algiers neighborhood, has worked as an organizer for decades around housing and prison issues. During Hurricane Katrina, Malik stayed to assist the community and has been speaking out about racism and the failures of government exposed by the Katrina disaster.
Malik Rahim founded and operated the Algiers Development Center and Invest Transitional Housing. He is co-founder and outreach organizer of “Housing is a Human Right” in San Francisco, California and co-founded Common Ground Relief in September 2005, with Scott Crow and Brandon Darby. Since Hurricane Katrina, nearly 13,000 volunteers have gutted over 3000 homes in the Ninth Ward of New Orleans through their efforts.
Malik Rahim is quoted at the blog regarding the Common Ground Relief Collective and the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina:
We started with $50 at my kitchen table. Now, by the grace of the most high, we have been able to serve well over 150,000 people in direct services and maybe another 400,000 in indirect services. We started three health clinics, and helped start another three health clinics. We work under the premise of restoring hope, while teaching civic responsibility. We have challenged and have broken the stereotype of racial divide. We have had over 10,000 volunteers, with maybe over 9,000 being Caucasians working in African-American and minority communities…. We can make this a better world. It’s all about restoring hope.
Malik Rahim’s Campaign is focusing on these issues:
- Prison System
- Hurricane Recovery & Flood Protection
- Federal government
- Rebuild a Sustainable Economy
- Troops out of Iraq
- Quality Public Education
- Healthcare for All
- Comprehensive and Sustainable Energy Policy
Malik Rahim spoke at the 2008 Annual National Meeting of the Green Party of the United States in Chicago:
There are many ways to help with the campaign to elect Malik Rahim to Congress.† Visit the campaign’s Take Action page to find out how you can help get him elected.
For information on the elections in Louisiana, visit the Secretary of State’s website.
Other sites offering information about the Malik Rahim:
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